Padua teachers enable students by developing a courageous approach to learning, modelling a culture where mistakes are welcomed and seen as an opportunity for learning. Our teachers develop an inclusive and differentiated curriculum that is accessible to all and demonstrates a common language for literacy and, where applicable, numeracy. This is visible in all classrooms.

The learning environment is positive, empowering and flexible

  • Teaching is aligned to the needs and readiness of students
  • Work is differentiated
  • Collaborative and independent learning opportunities are offered
  • Students are provided with opportunities to co-construct their learning to develop their sense of curiosity

The curriculum is aligned to ensure continuity and progression of learning

  • Padua teachers collaboratively design, implement and maintain a scope and sequence of essential skills and knowledge for Years 7–12, with a focus on evidence of progression of learning
  • All units and tasks have a ‘beginning, consolidating, established and extension level’ component

Literacy and numeracy form the foundation of all learning and teaching

  • Literacy and appropriate numeracy skills are explicitly taught and integrated
  • Digital literacy skills are integrated via effective teaching strategies

"I came so that they may have life, and have it abundantly" John 10.10
Padua College

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