Wright Sam



Padua College at the PESA Conference

Last week members from the Padua College Pastoral Executive attended the PESA 2022 National Wellbeing in Education Conference held in Sydney. The program addressed the challenges facing educators with regards to the implementation of wellbeing science by providing current developments in theory and research, helping educators connect evidence, research, and theory to the creation of practical, classroom, and school-wide strategies to enhance student wellbeing and academic attainment.

Early in the program I presented to approximately 400 academics and school leadership teams on modelling positive masculinities and his works with ‘The Men’s Project’ and Mornington Shire MORE (Modelling of Respect & Equity) Program.

On Saturday Suzi Hyland and I then facilitated a workshop on using Positive Education to Build a Culture Of RESPECT. The team shared in the great work the College has invested in student empowerment through the eXcel program and the Respectful Relationship initiative, specifically showcasing the amazing College student leaders, Nathan Jinks, Alannah Deutsher and Yasmine McCoy’s drive in this space.

Our 2022 experience to date has certainly been an eye-opening one, however the key message throughout is that kids will feel safer, and do better when we provide a structured and predictable environment with clear routines, values and expectations of behaviours.

The Padua College name was certainly front and centre and we were commended on the College’s investment in our students. We were among several high-performing (and presenting) schools that sent their teams along which was another way the College demonstrated an investment in our student's wellbeing.

There were many positive aspects to the experience, including spending time with quality colleagues, learning, networking, and building quality relationships over the 3½ days. In addition to these highlights, alongside my bull chasing a vegetarian analogy and many jokes, my greatest highlight was talking to and wanting a selfie with the conference keynote speaker and Order of Australia recipient, Professor Lea Waters (world expert in School Psychology, Wellbeing and Parenting), who said “Hello Sam (name tag gave that away), I’ve heard some really good things about Padua College. I would be interested in catching up about some projects in making wellbeing visible in Catholic schools and I want to work with a school already doing great things!” To say the team was chuffed was an understatement!

The Padua College Uniform

A sense of Community Pride

There is no doubt 2022 has been a challenge for our children (I have four teenagers!) both at school and fitting back into the community and society after the horrendous lockdowns and disrupted schooling during 2020 and 2021. Part of our success (our coping strategies and resilience building) during the tumultuous time has been a focus on providing a structured and predictable environment with clear routines, values, norms, and expectations of behaviours. This is where our high expectations on how we are presented and how we behave respectfully fit in.

One way in which we encourage our high expectations at Padua College is in the way we present ourselves to the community through our uniform. Now more than ever the College uniform is a vehicle in which we can express pride in our community.

The school uniform identifies members of Padua College. It assists in creating an atmosphere of uniformity, pride, loyalty and equity. All students enter class as equals as far as image and dress are concerned; their individuality comes from their attitude, character, spirit, and involvement.

Students should wear it proudly and well, realising that at all times they are ambassadors for our College.

I wish to draw your attention to a few areas of particular concern and the information from our uniform policy.

Active wear: The College has a sports uniform that includes navy shorts. Students should not be wearing black lycra style active wear for sport or with other items of the sport uniform.

Blazer: Must be worn to and from school through the year – (If cold/wet the Padua softshell waterproof jacket is permitted to be worn over the blazer)

Hair: Hair is to be clean and tidy; tied back off the collar. Hair ribbons must be in Padua College or House colours. Extremes in hair cut or styles are not permitted. Number 2 haircut is the minimum. Hair may be dyed in one natural hair shade. All students must be clean shaven. (Hair is to be clean and tidy; tied back off the collar and all students must be clean shaven)

School shoes: (Black leather lace-up or T-bar school shoes. No soft or suede or boots. Skate shoes are not permitted)

Summer dress: (Length of the summer dress is to the knees)

Jewellery & Make Up: One earring per ear in the ear lobe (small stud or sleeper). No other jewellery is permitted and clear plastic studs and band aids to cover piercings are not permitted. Excess jewellery will be confiscated. Make up is to be kept to a minimum and must be natural looking. Clear nail polish is permitted.

White Sports Polo and Polar Fleece: These items are longer part of the College uniform have been phased out over the last couple of years.

To embrace a whole school approach, we need to ensure uniformity (pardon the pun!) in our expectations, each campus will simultaneously recognise and reward those students doing the right thing while reverting measures to maintain our standard with consequence for those students blatantly disregarding our rules and expectations.

School TV – A Guide to Safe Partying

Today’s parents face a multitude of modern-day challenges in raising happy, well and resilient young people. Whilst there is a great deal of information available, this can often be confusing and overwhelming for parents looking for guidance.

At Padua College we have subscribed to SchoolTV an online resource designed to empower you as parents with credible and sound information with realistic, practical ongoing support strategies. Here, you'll find a range of topics each published monthly with comprehensive videos from leading specialists and organisations.

The information can be accessed by visiting the College website:

PADUA COMMUNITY > Padua Parents > SchoolTV or following the below link

Link - School TV https://padua.catholic.schooltv.me/launch

Teenage gatherings provide young people with important opportunities to interact and build on their social skills and experiences. Celebrations, partying and socialising are a fundamental rite of passage and one of the most important aspects of a young person’s life. However, it is possible for the best young person to get carried away with their peers and the euphoria of the moment.

For parents and caregivers, keeping your young person safe can at times feel daunting and is often a compromise and a challenge. Most teenagers try to do the right thing most of the time, but your leadership as a role model is crucial. Your child may appear to be physically large and mature, but this is not necessarily matched by their emotional maturity and responsibility in behaviour.

Every party has the potential to get out-of-hand as sometimes it’s hard for young partygoers to make good decisions. Communication and regular discussions are vital, particularly because young people are often faced with peer pressure to do things they prefer not to engage in. Hosting a celebration at home or at a venue can be a fun and memorable event but it is important to agree on the ground rules well before your event is announced to ensure there are no misunderstandings later on.

If hosting an event, you owe your guests a ‘duty-of-care’ and should ensure all reasonable steps are taken to keep partygoers safe. This Special Report provides caregivers with list of things to consider when planning a celebration. We hope you take a moment to reflect on the information offered, and as always, we welcome your feedback. If this raises any concerns for you, a loved one or the wellbeing of your child, please seek medical or professional help.

Here is the link to your special report https://padua.catholic.schooltv.me/wellbeing_news/special-report-guide-safe-partying

Padua College

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