As we move closer to the end of term 3 we can reflect and see that there is much to celebrate.

Padua mornington PR 035 SV portrait



Aspire9 Intensive Electives

Our Year 9s have undertaken short courses in a diverse range of subjects including Animal Studies, Outdoor Recreation, STEM, Share Markets, Fitness Pro, Story in a Day, and Our Unique Brain.

Aerobics Team Wins National Title at the Gold Coast

Our very talented aerobics teams travelled to the Gold Coast to compete in the TFT National Aerobics Championships. After training all year, the Year 7 Mornington team, The Sea Swifts, rose to the occasion and reigned triumphant against the best teams in Australia. Congratulations to Amelie van Wijngaarden, Angilique Le Roux, Annabelle Menage, Annie Rogers, Cate Fahey, Emerson Mclvor, Laura Howard and Milla Cassidy showed exceptional strength, skill and resilience throughout the year and drew the attention of the judges with a very impressive score. Congratulations also to coaches, Mackenzie Dornom (Year 11 Bernard) and Helena Haase (Year 12 Bernard) could not be prouder.

SIS Athletics and SIS Cross Country

Congratulations to all students who represented the College in both cross country and athletics, again achieving SIS victory in both carnivals. Congratulations also to Mr Terry Luppino and Ms Anna Whittaker who led the respective teams. Further Congratulations to Charlotte Crawford and Will Davies who represented Victoria (and Padua College) at the Australian Cross Country Championships in South Australia.

Student Empowerment

Staff and students came together to further develop our understanding of Student Voice and Empowerment to provide for an even better learning environment for our students, on Friday 19 August. Well done and thank you to all the students involved who gave up a Student Free Day as well as Mr Phil Helisma and Mr Sam Wright for their leadership on this Staff Professional Development Day.

Grade 6 Interviews

Thank you to all staff and families who helped to ensure the success of this important orientation process with the first step into Padua for the Class of 2023 now complete.

Vinnies Trivia Night

Well done to the Senior CAP students and Mr Matthew William (VP- Mission Identity, Community) for organising a very successful and fun night for staff, students and families as well as raising funds for St Vinnies. Well done also to the Quiz Master, Mr Sam Wright (VP – Students) for a successful debut in the Hot Seat, and of course congratulations to the (equal) first Quiz Table, led by Head of PE – Mr Rob Murray with Mr Anthony Banks as Vice-Captain of the table.

Book In a Day

Congratulations to our Book in a Day students who in a single day wrote and illustrated a novel at a workshop with other students at Balcombe Grammar. Writers included Alice Storr, Ollie Ewer, Jasper Tourbier, Alex Hamill, Zoe Smith, Maya Denvir, and Illustrators on the day were Thomas Holmes and Paige de Blaquiere.

Class Passes

Please be aware that in recent times we have had a renewed focus on the use of class passes to monitor and allow students to leave class in order to go to the toilet, or conduct other necessary errands. We hope to encourage students to use Recess and Lunch to attend to such needs therefore maximising time in class. We thank students and parents for supporting us in this endeavour. Of course, students who do need to use the toilet during class time will be permitted with the appropriate not from their teacher.

Pedestrian Safety

Please be aware that we have had number of concerns raised by members of the community in regards to students not crossing at the traffic lights at Oakbank Road and students crossing at the corner of Tower Road and Nepean Hwy. Please discuss with your sons and daughters their safe movement to and from the College. We will also raise this at school at upcoming student assemblies.


Please be reminded that summer uniform is permissible from 1 September, winter uniform can also continue to be worn but we ask that items from both are not worn together. Can I also please remind all students and families in regards our uniform expectations, in particular that the College blazer be worn to school (including homeroom) and from school, piercings (one per ear lobe), NO nose piercings , hair tied back and for some of our Year 9 boys the day is nearing where you will need to commence shaving as facial hair is not permitted.

Thank you all for your support and God Bless.


On the weekend of 20-21 August, two of our very talented aerobics teams travelled to the Gold Coast to compete in the TFT National Aerobics Championships. After training all year, the Year 7 Mornington team, The Sea Swifts, rose to the occasion and reigned triumphant against the best teams in Australia. Amelie van Wijngaarden, Angilique Le Roux, Annabelle Menage, Annie Rogers, Cate Fahey, Emerson Mclvor, Laura Howard and Milla Cassidy showed exceptional strength, skill, and resilience throughout the year and drew the attention of the judges with a very impressive score. Coaches Mackenzie Dornom (Year 11) and Helena Haase (Year 12) could not be prouder!

Congratulations also to the Tyabb team (coached by Mrs Bailey) who fought hard in a very tough category to receive 11th place in Australia. Their hard work and determination throughout the year were exemplary!

Mackenzie Dornom
Seaswifts Coach

Australian Cross Country Championships

Charlotte Crawford (Year 9 Kolbe) and Will Davies (Year 8 Assisi) represented Victoria this past weekend at the Australian Cross Country Championships at Oakbank Racecourse in Adelaide. It was a brutal 4km course with many mud pits and challenging inclines. Both students did incredibly well with Will coming in 39th place in U15 Men and Charlotte 40th in U16 Women. Congratulations Charlotte and Will!

Padua College

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